Voluntary disclosure

Factors influencing voluntary corporate disclosure by Kenyan companies

Corporate Governance / Ownership Structure / Developing Country / Profitability / Voluntary disclosure / STOCK EXCHANGE / Foreign Capital Inflows / Foreign Ownership / Audit committee / Annual Report / Executive Director / STOCK EXCHANGE / Foreign Capital Inflows / Foreign Ownership / Audit committee / Annual Report / Executive Director

Incremental Voluntary Disclosure on Corporate Websites, Determinants and Consequences

Content Analysis / Applied Economics / Financial Reporting / Environmental Issues / Profitability / Voluntary disclosure / Forecast Accuracy / Voluntary disclosure / Forecast Accuracy

Determinant Factors of Corporate Social Disclosures in Indonesia

Corporate Social Responsibility / Disclosure / Voluntary disclosure / Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

La decisión de divulgar intangibles a través de una estrategia de triangulación teórica

Voluntary disclosure / Theoretical Framework / Contingency Theory

Revisión de expectativas en las presentaciones de empresa ante los analistas financieros

Non Parametric Estimation / Voluntary disclosure / Stock Price / Earnings Per Share / Trade Volume / Capital Market / Abnormal Return / Parametric Model / Capital Market / Abnormal Return / Parametric Model

Revisión de expectativas en las presentaciones de empresa ante los analistas financieros

Non Parametric Estimation / Voluntary disclosure / Stock Price / Earnings Per Share / Trade Volume / Capital Market / Abnormal Return / Parametric Model / Capital Market / Abnormal Return / Parametric Model

Voluntary disclosure under imperfect competition: experimental evidence

Experimental Economics / Industrial Organization / Information Theory / Economic Theory / Industrial / Partial Information / Voluntary disclosure / Imperfect Competition / Private Information / Cournot duopoly / Partial Information / Voluntary disclosure / Imperfect Competition / Private Information / Cournot duopoly

Voluntary disclosure under imperfect competition: Experimental evidence

Experimental Economics / Industrial Organization / Information Theory / Economic Theory / Industrial / Partial Information / Voluntary disclosure / Imperfect Competition / Private Information / Cournot duopoly / Partial Information / Voluntary disclosure / Imperfect Competition / Private Information / Cournot duopoly

Revelacion de informaciones sobre capital estructural organizativo de los bancos en Brasil y Espana

Agency Theory / Voluntary disclosure / Organizational structural capital / Asymmetry of information / Theoryof the cost of the owner

¿Cuánto y por qué revelan las empresas? Una revisión de estudios empíricos sobre divulgación financiera

Financial Accounting / Disclosure / Accounting Disclosure / Information disclosure / Voluntary disclosure / Mandatory Disclosure
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